Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reality TV or Debate

So it is pretty obvious that blogging has not been much of a priority lately.  However I watched the debates and just had to comment.

Full disclosure - I support Obama.  Actually I cannot bear to even think of Romney in office but that is not the point of this post.  I am shocked, dismayed and even disheartened by the debates.  It is my understanding that the debate is to allow the candidate to present their ideas, policies, plans for their elected presidency.  Instead it has become reality tv with newscasters commenting on who is more fierce and who wants it more.  Lies are exposed, aggression is valued and insults seem to score points.

Are we so "dumbed down" that we look forward to Romney and Obama in the roles of JWOW and Snookie?  Do we need to see our country leaders acting like "The Real Housewives of the White House"?  Does the public even understand the reason for the debate and are we listening to what the positions actually are?

I consider myself somewhat of an educated voter.  There are reasons...policy reasons...that I am making my choice.  I will not vote because I think one candidate "wants it" more...or because of the displayed aggression.  I don't really care which big dog marks his territory how.  But I do believe there are many, many voters out there who have very, very different criteria for choosing a leader.

I am frightened for our future.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch one debate because it makes my blood boil. The clips the next day are enough to get the idea on what happened. Boo.
